Finish What You Start

Are you a starter? To a degree it’s very important to be a starter, because there are so many people who never start on the dreams, ideas or goals they have and therefore can never reach the finish line. I know many people can get paralyzed between the options and not knowing where to start or not feeling good about just jumping in anywhere, so having the courage and willingness to put yourself out there and start on something is very important.

But all too often people I meet or clients I work with get really good at starting stuff and can never finish it. And while sometimes it’s possible to pass off what you’ve started and let someone else finish it (for example you may want to start a load of laundry or move it from the washer to the dryer and pull out certain items you don’t want machine dried, but once it gets through that part of the process you’re OK letting anyone else handle the rest), a lot of the time we want to (or need to) see things from start to finish. After all, wouldn’t you want to be part of your victory journey from start to finish since it’s your dreams and your hard work on the line?

So dust off that half-finished project, finally finish that book, clean up that corner of the yard that you’ve been putting off, ask for help with that recipe you’ve failed at before and really want to make, follow up with someone who reached out to you a while ago, finish your plan for the rest of the year, finish that important paperwork you’ve been putting off, publish that website or blog or podcast, go on a date, get a pet, work with a financial advisor, or whatever other things you’ve started or made a plan for but haven’t followed through on and you know it’s important to get it across the finish line and be able to say that you completed it. What will you be able to say you finished and achieved victory on this week?

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