Reminders and Reassurance from God

One of the stories in the Bible that sticks with me and I revisit time and again is the story of Peter having a vision about the sheet of animals in Acts 10. For context, at this point Jesus has died and been resurrected and gone back to heaven and Pentecost has happened. So at this point all the Apostles are out doing ministry and in the chapter just prior to this one is the big event where Saul who spent a lot of time persecuting Christians is stopped and blinded by God and actually becomes a Christian because of the experience, going on to become one of the most famous Christians. In this story though we meet a Roman officer by the name of Cornelius who was God fearing even though he wasn’t Jewish. One day when Cornelius was praying as he usually did God sent an angel to speak to him and encouraged him to bring the Apostle Peter to his house, so Cornelius sends men off to get Peter.

Meanwhile, Peter is praying and while he is praying he falls into a trance and sees a sheet come down from Heaven filled with animals and a voice tells him to eat the animals. Peter, being the good Jew he is, says that he won’t eat those animals because they’re not right to eat according to Jewish law. The voice reprimands Peter saying “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” (v15). So this happens three times before the vision ends. Of course the story goes that Cornelius’s men arrive at Peter’s, they all travel back to Cornelius’s house and Peter finally understands what the message about the sheet meant “Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel—that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.”” (v34-36) This little event in the Bible is one of the reasons why there are so many Christians in the world today, because before this even though Jesus cleared the way with His death and resurrection, many followers of Jesus at this time were traditionally Jewish and those who were not of Jewish faith or heritage typically were looked down upon or not included in Christian gatherings.

It’s a great story, isn’t it!? The thing that stood out to me today as I was reflecting on it yet again was the fact that the sheet came to Peter multiple times and the voice from heaven had to share the message of inclusivity multiple times. Sometimes we need a bigger nudge to get something done or to have a breakthrough in a struggle we’re facing. And often God will give us multiple reminders or signs to help us with that. It shouldn’t be something that we test God on (i.e. always expect multiple nudges or signs), but instead that we’re thankful for the abundant confirmation and direction from God when it happens, and of course paying attention so that when we don’t get multiple messages we don’t miss the one or two we do get.

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